EXCELLS Grant Awards
The EXCELLS Grant encourages the implementation of innovative projects which provide enriched and enhanced learning opportunities for students within the curricula of the Ellsworth Community School District. EXCELLS grant funds may be used to purchase materials, supplies, and equipment to implement the project, and compensate grantees for staff development needed to incorporate the project into their curricula.
The maximum EXCELLS Grant amount is $1000.
Application Deadline: May 31
EXCELLS Grant Criteria
The proposal is consistent with the aims of the Foundation (program innovation, enhanced learning opportunities, technology and learning, cooperative/community involvement)
Proposals support staff in their efforts to help students achieve or exceed the Model Academic Standards as adopted by the Ellsworth Community School District Board.
The proposal has the approval of appropriate administrator(s) in charge of the area of request as well as the principal (where appropriate).
The proposal is supplemental to the regular school and district budgets.
The proposal shows a clear benefit for the school students.
Benefits are long range as contrasted with a brief span of time.
The proposal is curricular or instructional in nature.
A proposal for matching funds will be considered.